Community Walks🚶 

Event Alert! - Community Walk #22

Join us on May 25th!

8:30 AM

Distance: 3 km

Duration: 2hr 15min

Starting Point: Borivali Station (E)

What to Expect:

 🗣 Conversations on pedestrian infrastructure

 🏙 Discuss solutions to civic challenges

🌲 Rest at Mumbai's parks

🤝 Connect with other walkability patrons.

🌆 Be part of the walkability movement in Mumbai.

We host community walks across Mumbai's neighborhoods to spread the knowledge and thought process of noticing problems in existing walking infrastructure across Mumbai's neighborhoods from a technical standpoint.  Creating an active community starts with having citizens who are aware of their rights and know the possibilities of a decent walking infra. During the walks we introduce people to the ethos of Walking Project and our work, keep the participants engaged, and spread awareness among local people for the importance of having a good walking infrastructure & the negatives of having a poor infra that might not usually be outright visible or associated with.

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